Youths in the Kingdom of God
God has a plan and purpose for the youth!
God has a plan and purpose for the youth!
Giving birth does not make a woman a mother, it takes a special woman to be a mother. A mother is a person who is willing to take responsibility for investing her life into another person who is totally dependent upon her to do so. In Genesis 3, the Bible tells us about Adam calling […]
Envy cripples our relationships. Not only did envy cripple the security of Joseph’s brother, but it also crippled their relationship. There were strains placed on the relationship between Joseph and his brothers and also among the brothers themselves as they would have to live with their actions for the rest of their lives. Their strained […]
Envy cripples our ability to examine ourselves. The story of Cain and Abel when God accepted the offering given to him by Abel and rejected the offering given by Cain, it made Cain very angry. Envy began to broil in Cain’s heart. The Lord warned Cain of this brooding emotion Genesis 4:6-7 6 And the […]
The Holy Spirit is our guide, power, comforter, and the light within our beings. He is within us to gradually make us more like him.
Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection were all a part of the plan of redemption. What Adam gave to Satan in the Garden of Eden by disobedience was taken back by Jesus Christ obedience. Jesus Christ reclaimed the blessing that was stolen in the Garden of Eden, he gave us back the dominion and authority that […]
The troubles of Christians are fitly called crosses. In Matthew 16:24, Jesus Christ reminds us that if we want to follow Him, we have to deny ourselves, take up pour cross and follow Him. Every disciple of Jesus Christ has his cross and must count upon it, as each has his special duty to be […]
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
This is a great reminder that when we say the word ”church,” we are not talking about a physical location or a building. The church is a group of people who is following Jesus Christ together. Today, we join hearts with every gospel-preaching church in the world, and we declare that we are the church. […]
Philippians 4:8 8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. You must cast down and not exalt images that […]