

Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; BITTERNESS hinders the move of God in Kingdom citizens’ life We have to move it from the root of our life so we can succeed. Bitterness is the most dangerous […]

Bondage |Part 3|


We are no longer under the Mosaic Law, we’re under a new covenant and can’t afford to be brought back under bondage. The Lord gave us laws to follow and he said if we love him we should keep his commandments. Be careful of our default that we don’t fall back into bondage because Jesus […]

Bondage |Part 2|


Even though you’re in the Kingdom, you can be in bondage in your mind and because of religious practices, but the Bible teaches we can be liberated with Jesus Christ. Southeast Hope Assembly does not own the rights to these songs including the lyrics. No copyright infringement intended.



The term bondage can happen in the body or in the soul. If we speak of the soul, then we must also refer unto obsession by devils but if we are speaking of the body then we can refer unto devils in the body. The scriptures teach many forms of bondages, such as Israel in […]

Do Generational Curses Exist in the Kingdom? Part 4


Is Hereditary Generational Curse? Some believe if parents have some kind of illness it is a generational curse … its an illness and not a curse! Some illnesses are a result of bad genetics God will not allow Satan to inflict harm upon his children John 9 1 And as Jesus passed by, he saw […]

Do Generational Curses Exist in the Kingdom? Part 3


In the New Testament, there are no emphasis on generational curses. Jesus more than anyone else dealt with demonic cases and yet in all the records there is not one hint of “generational curses.” Jesus could have easily taught about it in John 9:1-3 [1] And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which […]

Do Generational Curses Exist in the Kingdom? Part 2


In the New Testament, there are no emphasis on generational curses. Jesus more than anyone else dealt with demonic cases and yet in all the records there is not one hint of “generational curses.” Jesus could have easily taught about it in John 9:1-3 [1] And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which […]

Do Generational Curses Exist in the Kingdom?


In the New Testament, there are no emphasis on generational curses. Jesus more than anyone else dealt with demonic cases and yet in all the records there is not one hint of “generational curses.” Jesus could have easily taught about it in John 9:1-3 KJV [1] And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man […]

God’s Purpose for Men in His Kingdom


In the home, the husband represents God to his children, and the Lord Jesus Christ to his wife. The Bible says that God sent his spirit into our hearts crying Abba Father which means, daddy, father. Fathers, the reason you ought to live such a godly life is that you are modelling before your family […]

Suffering for God’s Glory


Philippians 3:10 “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;” Sometimes God has to put us through some things to see what we are made of. Christ said if you want to reign with him, you have to suffer with […]